Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Mummy's To Do List - Controversial Advice

A recent list of advice compiled by a well know health care provider has created uproar among working mums.

Some of the guidelines for 'working away mums' included:
  • Tell you family well in advance that you're going away
  • Prepare meals in advance and freeze them (Munching on mummy's meals will remind them of how much you love them)
  • Write down important arrangements, appointments, emergency names and numbers
  • Use your mobile to phone home or send an email. If you have a webcam, you can even send a little virtual kiss
  • Leave little love notes. These are great for husbands and children
  • Record yourself. This is particularly great for young children (and, once again, for husbands).
  • Hide some gifts, chocolates, notes or tapes before you go
When these tips we sent out across Britain to female employees in corporate heath-care schemes a flurry of complaints followed.

The company concerned has been forced to apologise and has withdrawn the advice from circulation.

So, what's the problem?

Well, the complaints centred around how partronising and sexist the comments were and to me reinforces one very important element of a healthy family life, and that's communication.

The author of the guidelines (apparently the health-care company's psychology writer!) probably had best intentions in mind and in truth there's some decent suggestions in the guidelines. The problem is how the message was delivered.

So here's our real parenting lessons from this episode 'be careful how you say things to your partner and kids; don't be biased; use positive words and know your audience'

Friday, 3 September 2010

The 13 Must Know Facts of Parenting

It's rarely talked about but according to those that know there are 13 controversial facts about parenting that every parent should know before having children. Here they are:
  1. Children's shoes are unbelievably expensive
  2. It takes 80% of your efforts for teenagers to enjoy 20% of your company
  3. Girls are more conscientious than boys
  4. You see more of your family than you did before baby arrives
  5. Adults start showing their emotions more when a baby arrives
  6. You're more concerned about your child's first day at school then you are about learning to drive
  7. Peer pressure becomes increasingly difficult
  8. As they grow up your children will use language you don't understand
  9. Children do new things 100% quicker than their parents
  10. At parents night you will think the teachers are pupils
  11. The time for your children to 'fly the nest' comes unbelievably quickly
  12. You should be the biggest influence on your children's lives so be full of care
  13. Having children is the best thing that will ever happen to you.
So, now you know!